Will Wright's new game.  Spore (Google video)

這是幾個禮拜前 Will right 在GDC(Game Designer Conference)透露EA正在做的新遊戲,重點到不是遊戲本身怎樣,而是他所強調的觀念,不論對於程式設計或是遊戲設計 都是一項空前的創舉 所帶來的改變將會是全面性的 Wired 雜誌本期得客座主編也是由他擔任。

Very interesting. You can actually create your own character. All animation and texture are caculated in real time. Will people play it? I am not sure. If I am not a game designer, I probaly won't buy it at all because it's weird and somehow very violent .............. but who knows.


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