目前分類:遊戲體驗! PVP and Games (140)

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E3 Day 1_JPG.jpg

 No more E3 (Through Joystiq)

Official Announcement

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


To live is to fight . Sports are about fights; games  -  the same.

People are looking for competitions and challenges  wherever those take place , in stadium, of wall streets or on the internet . There are wars and conflicts. The people winning  all enjoy their games. Gain or lose. All the same.

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 Two of best guilds in the world



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是戰場? 還是DK? 1.12 的世界戰場 會帶給我們希望嗎?

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"We want world PvP.

We want to raid opposing cities, killing EVERYTHING, players, NPCs, guards, and if we're strong enough, taking down their city leader. We want DKs removed, we want minor gain(honor/gold/etc) for killing npcs/guards in a enemy capitol. we want recognition for killing thrall, killing magni. we want a serverwide message 'so and so's band of heros have defeated thrall, warchief of the horde'. give the players a 1-24 hour title(like the pvp titles, but temporary) 'Franky, Champion of the Horde', 'Franky, Hero of the Alliance', just something to show that they just killed an enemy leader.

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Good Idea about PVP but not enough content .  Enough said. It's a PVP game ,but not mmorpg.

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

From WOW PVP forum

I may be totally wrong about this theory, so please correct me, if necessary.

My perception of the rewards for PvP is that the MOST, & BEST, rewards come from the three Battleground factions. There aren't as many "general" PvP rewards, & the ones that do exist aren't as good. Obviously, if this assumption is untrue, the rest of my argument is also bad, but, whatever :)

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 When I originally heard Blizzard plans to revitalize world PvP I was hopeful. And now I have read the IGN article.... I am wondering when some game, any game, thats *actually* PvP focused will come out.


Collect dust in the most annoying zone in game for a buff? Thats supose to be world pvp? Silithus is already down right annoying for large scale pvp, with mobs that root, knock down, and roam EVERYWHERE its already hard to just fight other people there. Theres also the constant stream of large groups going from CH to AQ, ganking anyone they find along the way, you WON'T find good 5-10v5-10 matches here.

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

VANQUISH has left the building..

Since there have been alot of rumors flying around, i'm gonna go ahead and set the record straight.

VANQUISH is leaving Laughing Skull this week.

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


現在呢? 將控制器遞給不打電動的人,問他「要玩嗎?」,大家反而都畏縮起來。

岩田社長 : 這個業界,一直嘗試著同一方向性的改善方式。那就是,「作出更棒的遊戲」這一方向。但是,對於已經放棄遊戲不玩的人,與根本不玩的人來說,「更棒的遊戲」幾乎發揮不了作用。

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另一個我記憶猶新的Idea,我記得是在Macross 的情節裏,一個桌子 兩個人控制著全像投影在桌上的 機械人對戰,對我而言 這應該是遊戲系統得極致,遊戲不只是技術,而更是智慧的發揮場所,還有Virtual on  的控制系統 也是非常有趣

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Revolution 的正式名稱 Wii


GT (Game Trailer)網站上的回應是

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  • Apr 20 Thu 2006 12:12
  • IGPX



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Uber strategy

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  • Apr 08 Sat 2006 03:19
  • Exteel



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Crytech 是一種新科技

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