

常久以來的最愛,哥德音樂的始祖,從我開始聆聽至今已經超過了十年了,黑暗的王座,誰都無法超越....  不過MTV 真的都...很好笑...糟

Life is essentially meaningless, and suffering is the natural condition of living things.

Gothic is not a statement. We just looked deep within ourselves and found the true person inside.

"The ability to find the art where art seems to be lacking; to find the light in the darkness and embrace it for all its worth..." Jennifer Mason

Goth is about making depression and angst a lifestyle choice, and that's art."

The bottom line is that being Goth does not necessarily mean being depressed. While we are capable of feeling extreme sadness, they are also capable of experiencing great joy. Most are able to maintain balance in their lives. To some, Goth only says that sadness, like happiness, has its own majestic beauty and must be embraced as a valid emotion, not pushed down as an abnormality.


哥德音樂變是在這樣的氛圍下成長茁壯, 屏棄主流的價值, 帶有厭世的氣息, 在遙遠的國度, 建立了另一個城堡。

Sisters of Mercy 是哥德音樂(Gothic rock , Metal ....whatever)之開創者,承接了Post Punk (Joy Division , Bauhaus.....)而開啟了新的局面,溫暖而優美的音樂,一般人會說這音樂太黑暗,我會說這是救贖,一種新的對人生,雖然灰暗卻誠實的力量。

還記得當我高中時,第一張買的專輯是-------娃娃的大雨,覺得粉是好聽,等我買了Mr.Big 就覺得大雨根本是垃圾,然後聽了Gun and Roses (Metallica ........),就再也不愛Mr BIG,然後無意間逛到 Sisters of Mercy(不知哪個店員在tower 視聽機擺了一張 ,你是覺得有人會買嗎???) 買回家硬聽(忘了啥原因) ,大概硬聽了一個禮拜才覺得好聽, 然後就開啟了一去不復返的黑暗年代,雖然我什麼都聽, 重金屬 古典 電子 xxxxx,但是說到真正靈魂的食糧,那是沒人比的上---Sisters of Mercy !!

Amazon的review可是五顆星呢 不好聽絕對是你自己的問題。


哥德音樂總是帶著死亡動力學的氣息, 生命也許是常常在歌詞中的主題,但是哥德音樂總是花了更多的力氣描寫悲傷與失落,正如同我們用短暫的時間描述生命,卻用永遠的時刻,停滯於死亡, 畢竟,生命本身並沒有意義,一生的目標終點不過是死亡,我們唯一的救贖不過是在死亡之前擦出燦爛的火花,一種自我狀擴的毀滅煙火,Life is essentially meaningless, and suffering is the natural condition of living things. There is no hope....And from there, we start our lives.

主流文化常把挫折與悲傷看作是不正常而必須被阻止或壓抑的,其實不必然如此。世界是充滿競爭的, 這是資本主義的本質。有競爭才有進步,但是,贏家終究是少數,大多數的人都必須在失敗的挫折與喜悅參雜中度過
哥德音樂是試圖在這樣的悲傷中,讓人們找到救贖的一種方案,更深切的了解悲傷的由來,我們又該往何處去,如何用更超越的態度看待人生悲傷 與失落的本質。





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