

Who was hot? Who was cool? Things are different now. We live in the future, and there's a new ruling class.

There's never been a better time to be a geek. After decades, if not centuries of persecution, ridicule and never, ever getting the girl, geeks are hot. They are scientists, programmers, artists, musicians, actors, videogamers, skateboarders and architects. They have risen above unimaginative educational systems, hostile social environments, and conventional employers to develop the most liberating, global, inventive and democratic culture on the planet. They are geeks and their time has come. Geek Chic begins by tracing the rise of Geek culture particularly in movies, television, music and media and goes on to present an extensive timeline of geek history over the millennia with short biographical sketches of O.G.’s (original geeks), such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Spike Jonze.


Geek,不是指單指書呆子,而是所有專注研究於某項事物者,可以是科學家,音樂家,藝術家,工程師,愛迪生,愛因斯坦,到今日的昆丁塔倫提諾。Geek=SEXY AND HOT Geek才是現代最Hot的新族群,他們幽默 機伶 有趣,比起穿著入時的時髦年輕人,也許沒有英挺的樣茂,但是他們智慧的眼神散發出更強烈的吸引力。 當世界的一切都邁入電腦化資訊化,這些有著特殊腦結構的同伴們,才有能力享受有趣的生活,Geek是走在先端的代名詞,似乎只有他們可以擔負起世界的責任。


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    冒險建築 ! Adventure Architecture

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