
什麼 一對一?

有沒有搞錯?  那不過是強者欺負弱者的謊言.  社會上的每一種競爭 都不是平等的.  一對一也是不代表平等. 鬥爭就是必須用各種方法解決.  以最少的代價換取敵人最大的傷亡. 正義與公理 . 都是相對的.  也沒有標準答案的. 

Gank is also used in relation to Player vs. Player games where a group of 2 or more people gang up and kill another player, especially if they have an unfair advantage over the person being killed, and is an abbreviation for Gang Kill. Popularised by the MMORPG Ultima Online, it is now often used in any situation where the person being killed is at a significant disadvantage to the person killing, as in "That jerk just ganked me!".


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