目前分類:都市體驗! Cityscape (24)

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整體而言我覺得Ultra superman最有趣,雖然我很想坐Kingda Ka不過在修,

Ultra superman坐起來必較不昏,嗯-應該說飛起來 (過程中遊客是像超人的姿勢飛的)

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chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Little Boy: = The nuclear bomb dropped in Japan

Really high quality exhibition. (1:1or 2 Zaku head , 100+ hello kitty products, Ultra man hand drawing, concept drawing.... ) Pretty expansive too. ($10 for student )

If you are a fan of anime or comics and you are in NYC, you better not fucking miss this!!!!! You can get a very good context too. They have movies and panels . mmmm. expensive too.

Theyeven have EVA pachingo too, but I have to say it's a "really" small exibition.

The catalogue book is sold out.

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Sonic experiences

I got OWNED!!!

To sum it up…..

It's just a dumb animation but playing on a huuuuuuge 360 degree screen with freaking cool music!!

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