Web 2.0的新創意服務之一 好處是 1.不用花時間下載音樂 2.合法 3.精準的選歌 4.任何一台電腦都可以連上自己的profile .


Can you help me discover more music that I'll like?

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Web 2.0 Service

Del.icio.us 是公共書簽,意思就是利用Del.icio.us網站來bookmark網頁,可以為收集的bookmark加上不同的tag。好處是 1.好搜尋 2. 任何電腦都可以連上 3. 可以搜尋別人的bookmark

Website link

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Dec 11 Sun 2005 07:30
  • xxxxx

' PILE CODE version 1.0
' portb is our 8 inputs from QPROX: QT113h
' b.0 to b.3 is tops
' b.4 to b.7 is bottoms

define OSC 4

countPeople var byte
sendVal var byte
prevB var byte

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The Design of Everyday Things

Casino Royale

Digital Play

Bowling Alone

Better Together

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Website link

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chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

From Wikki

A flame war is a series of flaming messages in an electronic discussion group or internet forum system such as usenet, mailing lists or forums. There are a number of characteristics of electronic communication which have been cited as being conducive to flame wars. Electronic communications do not easily transmit facial expressions or voice intonations which may serve to moderate the tone of a message. Also, there is typically a lag time between the time a message is transmitted and the time a reply is read. These two characteristics can cause a "positive feedback loop" in which the emotional intensity of an electronic exchange increases to extremely high levels.

Alternatively, flame wars may be instigated deliberately by Internet trolls. Not all trolls are successful, though.

Jay W. Forrester described a phenomenon that often happens in flamewars whereby participants talk past each other. Each participant employs a different mental model (i.e. due to fundamental differences in their assumptions about what a particular word or concept means, they are actually discussing two different things).

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DreamHack is the worlds largest LAN- and demoparty and is arranged by DreamHack Organizing.

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  • Nov 14 Mon 2005 08:37
  • xxxx


1.Why “/4” > without “/”
2.Tx Pin
with Tx pin the sensor is not responding
3.3 data logging Processing code was not working why?????

chiahac 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Must read about architecture

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