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Smells like new adventures

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Kamikaze Girl

娃娃 lolita look 和 暴走族 (bosozoku) 的故事劇情很誇張探討的主題還蠻有趣的

We all have to walk out our own world and imagination.

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I don't know who you are. Please believe. There is no way I can convince you that this is not one of their tricks. But I don't care. I am me, and I don't know who you are, but I love you.

I have a pencil. A little one they did not find. I am a women. I hid it inside me. Perhaps I won't be able to write again, so this is a long letter about my life. It is the only autobiography I have ever written and oh God I'm writing it on toilet paper.

I was born in Nottingham in 1957, and it rained a lot. I passed my eleven plus and went to girl's Grammar. I wanted to be an actress.

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V for Vendetta

Set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, V For Vendetta tells the story of a mild-mannered young woman named Evey (NATALIE PORTMAN) who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked man (HUGO WEAVING) known only as “V.” Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, V ignites a revolution when he urges his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression. As Evey uncovers the truth about V’s mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself – and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plan to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption.

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《First Love ( Story Book )》

《P.S. 我很好,俊平》



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Sol Bianca


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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.

All those...moments will be lost...in time.

Like...tears...in rain.

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serial experiments: lain 一共十三集。

在故事中,將網上世界稱為 wired,即是彼此之間連接上的意思。故事講述女主角玲音 (lain),收到了自殺死去的同學千砂的電郵。在信中,千砂說她並沒有死去,只是放棄了軀體,還叫玲音趕快上來wired。本來對上網一竅不通的玲音, 開始接觸wired,開始研究,開始沈迷……但她發覺,在網上有另一個自己出現,破壞她的名聲;而她自己也漸漸發展出另一種性格。在她眼中,真實世界與網 上世界的界線越來越模糊……

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要說二十世紀式一個電腦與資訊發達的時代,不如說是一個文本(Textual)資源的爆發時代,交錯的電子網路與機械,取代了真實的物質,成為真實權力的運作場域,強勢與弱勢,男人與女人,所有的階級與地位都在網絡的現實裡爆破。媒介科技的發達,電子貨幣、金錢以及壟斷性的跨國資本主義,顯現了這個社會的結構性趨勢,一種全球性的、相互依賴的世界政經體勢,架構在一個瞬時(real time)的情境網絡之中,相互穿透,無關空間的距離或政治上的疆界, 


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Innocence是改編自漫畫其中第六話”Robot Rondo”,有關複製靈魂的故事。當然,電影版有很多不同的改動。

背景仍然是很像香港的街道,滿是招牌的壓迫感,不過今次則沒有太多的”水”。當中的高樓大厦林立於一股霧氣之中,看上去很有Blade Runner的感覺。顏色也由第一集的突顯科技森冷感覺的藍黑調,轉為比較”暖”的紅啡黃。

innocence是指人偶和狗,他們都是沒有意識的,也就是沒有ghost的,所以也免卻了人類所擁有的意識,是innocence 的。人類在未來,不論在身體和思想上,都步入了機器化,所以才會製做人偶,為自己的心靈帶來慰藉,從製造假生命,證明自己是擁有ghost的至高無上物類,將自己神位化。這種自我意識過剩,卻引至對現實其他事物的輕視,失卻了應有的innocence。身體和ghost是同樣重要的,我們依靠身體來與世界接觸,那是我們對世界事物的接口(interface)。




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好後現代啊,很多部分都是直接切入標準漫畫的橋段,然後再調侃一翻,如果你是Otaku 的話,更能看更入味吧,很多細節我想是一定要有看過鋼彈系列的才笑得出來,我也很驚訝Keroro可以這麼紅 沒想到Otaku 在台灣已經有這麼多了嗎?


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Original link here

偶然看見的文章 蠻感動的 尤其是 電 (銃夢) 裏所說的話 真是太酷了


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In a dark future, there is an illegal virtual war game that many people take part in. Ash (Foremniak) is one of the best players in the game and had previously been part of a legendary clan called "Wizard". When she hears about a secret level, she wants to go after it, although no one has ever made it and all have become brain-dead in the process.

The near future. Some people deal with their disillusionment by seeking out illusions of their own - in an illegal virtual reality war game. Its simulated thrills and deaths are compulsive and addictive. Some players, working in teams called 'parties' even earn their living from the game. The game has its dangers. Sometimes it can leave a player brain-dead, needing constant medical care. Such victims are called 'unreturned'. The game is named after the legendary island where the souls of departed heroes come to rest: Avalon




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Sing Destruction!!!

Quote from Sin city: "Hell? You don't know what hell is. None of you people do. Hell isn't getting beat up or cut up or hauled in front of some faggot jury. Hell is waking up every God damn morning and not knowing why you're even here. Why you're even breathing. That's what hell is."

看的時候,老實說沒有期待的感動, 但是想不出來有啥可以挑剔的,黑白的影像風格,感覺很不錯,但稱不上絕美.

每段故事都蠻有趣的(講述體制外的英雄的一段故事 ) 但是沒有讓我感動的情節.絕對值得看 但是說不出好看在哪裡

Devon Aoki 在裡面飾演 MIHO, 一個話非常少的日本女武士.

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