公會名字叫做Evil Empire 非常Hardcore 的公會
Evil Empire
Drakedog 的影片
目前分類:遊戲體驗! PVP and Games (140)
- Jul 06 Wed 2005 06:47
[WOW]術士PK (Drakedog - the legend of warlock)
- Jul 05 Tue 2005 02:13
[WOW]My brother horde
- Jul 04 Mon 2005 12:56
[WOW]The big blue army
- Jun 29 Wed 2005 10:10
- Jun 27 Mon 2005 09:00
[WOW]Onyxia 擊墜
Onyxia Down!
錄製 Jubilee
- Jun 27 Mon 2005 08:33
[MMORPG]關於Light of Adytum
關於Light of Adytum ( 神殿之光公會 )
伺服器: 美中的Laughing Skull PVP伺服(狂笑骷髏)
陣營: Alliance (聯盟)
會長ID: Tofuu(Lv 60人類鐵龜)
幹事 : Shaiway(lv 60 戰士) , Alisha(Lv 60火奧法師), Martinet(Lv 60火奧法師), Aeolique(Lv60 DKP之王), Joshwa (Lv 60紫裝德魯豬 ) , Superbck (Lv60 株儒戰士)
- Jun 05 Sun 2005 08:03
[WOW]MC Magmadar 之死
最近工會大部分的時間都在打MC 也漸漸有一些成果了 進軍Onxia 和MC 是公會長期的夢想,光是準備和做功課就花了四 五個月的時間,今天我們能夠打到MC 是花了大家多少的心力跟時間,MC 和Onyxia 是目前這個遊戲的極置副本,難度很高,一般而言,通常是要你已經對普通副本非常熟練,熟悉超過10 人以上團體作戰, 同時已經擁有多件藍色套裝,並擁有高火抗準備才能進軍MC MC很難,光有技術是不足以應付的,還需要40 個人的完全配合,因為只要一個人出差錯就是40個人全滅, 要去MC 之前一定要做好準備工作
- Jun 05 Sun 2005 07:47
- May 30 Mon 2005 02:35
[MMORPG]My guildmates
- May 28 Sat 2005 03:28
[MMORPG]I don't want to play games
The youth that abandon themselves (The medicine for your mind; the poison for the body)
Why do we play computer games? ( or video games) We play games. Do you emjoy playing game? Yes, but I don't really want to play it anymore. I play games because I can't stop it. It's part of my life experince and a part of my world. There is no way out. There is no way out for my speeded up mind.
As the media changes, it changes the way our perceive the world.
- May 27 Fri 2005 11:20
機造影片 (Staged)
「紅對藍」是很有名的 機造影片( )
- May 27 Fri 2005 09:19
1) 固定的行程 , 很多高等的都常上沒錯, 但是很多低等的比較不常上 (所以會低等的原因 …….) 沒有固定的行程, 很難有效率的一次幫解任務 升級,這點已經說過很多次了, 但是還是沒解決,
我的建議是每個禮拜 有一次公會聚會 ( Clan Party or Meeting ) 大家照照像 宰宰horde, 通常公會都是有 Group 聚會的
- May 01 Sun 2005 09:28
Comic life
- May 01 Sun 2005 09:22
DVD Game !
I saw this display on Virgin record.
Pretty interesting.
You play the game with friends. At the same time, you have to answer the question on DVD -ROM. Smart idea . I think.
- Apr 26 Tue 2005 08:50
- Apr 22 Fri 2005 02:02
IGN Rank
God of War #1 ...... 沒完過 XD
- Apr 19 Tue 2005 02:57
[WOW]Raided Tarren Mill
屠殺Tarren Mill
霸佔了Tarren Mill 整整一個小時 並安全撤退
嗯大概殺了2000 個守衛吧
- Apr 06 Wed 2005 08:01
[MMORPG]Our Date at Black Rock Mountain!!
- Apr 04 Mon 2005 06:03
[Lineage 2]MXguild Codes
Clan Fundamental Codes:
• Family: Being In Matrix gives you a chance to be a member our Family. Like most families, the clan has dramas, the ups and the downs... But we like to emphasize that once you're in, it's expected of you to treat each and everyone in the clan/alliance as a family.
• Loyalty: Matrix as a whole is nothing without its loyal members that makes it up. We require everyone to have a sense of loyalty, not only on our clan/alliance, but to the members within itself, especially to the leaders and/or officers.
• Respect: Everything is a mutual relationship. Treat others with respect and you'll get the respect you deserve. Respect is greatly expected by the leaders/officer from the members. In everything we do or say, please bear in mind that respecting others is a very valuable key for a sound internal relationship among the members of the clan/alliance.
• Virtue: Honesty, Fairness and Equality, and Proper Manners and Conduct is to be expected from each and every one of us... At least try to be virtuous even though it is just a game, for in the long run you'll realize it is geared towards your own benefit and the alliance's as well.